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CCR Headcleaner, Spiral Dub, Peace Loving People, Replica Watch at El Rio (outdoor patio show!)

  • El Rio 3158 Mission St SF CA 94110 (map)

3-8pm. Outdoor patio show at El Rio. $10 at the door.

CCR Headcleaner

San Francisco/Oakland/Chicago reprobates CCR Headcleaner produce a sleazy, riff-heavy, feedback-drenched brand of psych. It’s the band’s first local show in almost 3 years plus it’s the release show for their spanking new album. Sunday afternoon outdoors on the El Rio patio with a stacked lineup, a cheap cover, and YOU! There’ll be plenty of time later on for self-loathing.

Spiral Dub

Spiral Dub is a spanking-new, double-stuffed assemblage of players from acts as varied as LIFE STINKS, RAYS, THE WORLD, MANE, DIIV, TUSSLE, and FUCKWOLF.  Nothing new about disparate angles converging, but there’s a deeply ingrained severity running through this new ensemble, making it one of the most impressive and vital new acts in all of Subterranea.

Theirs is a laced party-jive spat out in the spiritual tradition of massive-sound Mancunian legends, peppered with acid punk nihilism and occasional rainbow beams of pop shining through the clouds.  Vocalist Chad Kawamura’s street hassle poetics and performance are a thing of pure, vile beauty.  The band’s pile-on triple guitar approach is hypnotic, bursting with smarts and legitimately groovy.  As past-it provocateurs and a force both live and on-record, Spiral Dub are at once the necessary antidote and stark affirmation of San Francisco’s current DIY Rock’N’Roll landscape, a scene where despite all appearances, no one actually wins.

Peace Loving People

We’re not allowed to tell you who this really is!

Replica Watch

Post-wave free-punk ensemble feat. ex-members of Toads and Wrong Words.